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Avengers: Infinity War 2018 4K Ultra HD
Сountry: USA
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Tom Hiddleston, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie...
Avengers: Infinity War 2018 is the most anticipated 4k movie of 2018. Blu-ray realese on our website for download.
"Avengers: War of Infinity 4K" - another creation from the company Marvel Studious, who managed to reach unprecedented heights and put a large number of absolute records in the history of cinematography. To shoot the most large-scale superhero crossover was entrusted to Joe and Anthony Russo, which is not surprising and quite right. This time the talented directors faced a truly titanic task: to unite more than 30 superheroes on one screen, to present the main villain of the franchise, and at the same time not forgetting to accompany the film with a good story to keep the audience's interest for almost three hours. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny that with the mission entrusted to them, the Rousseau brothers coped very dignifiedly.
As the great film 4k download critic Roger Ebert said: "The film is just as good as its villain." In the "War of Infinity", a complex, thoughtful, deep, but at the same time very ambiguous villain appeared to the audience - Thanos. This character has a well-grounded motivation and own philosophy that can generate a lot of interesting disputes. As the narrative develops, its image is supplemented with new details: from a cold-blooded monster, it turns into a madman with dreams, principles and feelings. Even in spite of all the frenzy that rages in him, the spectator is imbued with his losses, emotional torments and begins to genuinely empathize, while at the same time fearing him. Before us is not a typical cliched villain, but a solid and well-written character, with a worldview, not devoid of common sense. Undoubtedly, the wonderful game of Josh Brolin makes the antagonist even more expressive.
The tape is filled with a huge number of diverse characters, ranging from the long-known to us classic superheroes, ending with the newly-made young heroes, most recently appeared in the cramped Marvel. Constantly changing locations and additional storylines guide the viewer in parallel developing stories, which subsequently connect each other with certain characters, organically entering into new relationships and forming peculiar superhero teams.
The presence on one screen of a beautiful troika composed of Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and Peter Parker in itself leads to a state of wild delight. Brief jokes and witty dialogues of brothers on beards, Tony Stark's cautious care of Peter, charming adolescent enthusiasm and slightly absurd behavior of the youngest member of the Avengers team among the first-class seasoned defenders of the Earth - in a word, watching the Stark team line was really interesting, and the interactive between the characters are truly adorable.
Team Tor, to my personal surprise, is not inferior to Stark's team in terms of an excellent collaboration of superheroes and their established relationships. Just a couple of years ago it would be extremely difficult to imagine that Odin's son would plow the expanses of the Cosmos in company with a tree and a talking raccoon. It must be admitted that in the end one of the most memorable tim-ups in history turned out. And it is worth saying thanks to these guys for the most epic and vivid appearance in the film under the chic and already familiar to us song The Avengers.
While Rocket and Groot were helping the Torah on Nidavelir, the remaining members of the Galactic Guards' team were busy trying to get a reality stone and stop Thanos. This is quite familiar to us the composition of first-class daredevils serves to actively develop a branch that reveals the character and past of the main antagonist of the picture. A very important role in this played Gamora, it is on the character Zoe Saldana built a strong dramatic component of the film.
The team of Cap and Wahadis were, unfortunately, the most unsuccessful superhero group of all. They did not get enough screen time and an important role that would move the story in a certain direction. The only moment in which they took direct part in the fight against Thanos, is the scene that took place shortly before the final of the picture.
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Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 4K Ultra HD
Codec: HEVC / H.265
Resolution: Native 4K (2160p)
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1
English: Dolby Atmos
English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
Spanish: Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
French (Canada): Dolby Digital 5.1
Japanese: Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
English SDH, French, Japanese, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin (Traditional), Thai
Review movie Avengers: Infinity War 4K
"Avengers: War of Infinity 4K" - another creation from the company Marvel Studious, who managed to reach unprecedented heights and put a large number of absolute records in the history of cinematography. To shoot the most large-scale superhero crossover was entrusted to Joe and Anthony Russo, which is not surprising and quite right. This time the talented directors faced a truly titanic task: to unite more than 30 superheroes on one screen, to present the main villain of the franchise, and at the same time not forgetting to accompany the film with a good story to keep the audience's interest for almost three hours. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny that with the mission entrusted to them, the Rousseau brothers coped very dignifiedly.
As the great film 4k download critic Roger Ebert said: "The film is just as good as its villain." In the "War of Infinity", a complex, thoughtful, deep, but at the same time very ambiguous villain appeared to the audience - Thanos. This character has a well-grounded motivation and own philosophy that can generate a lot of interesting disputes. As the narrative develops, its image is supplemented with new details: from a cold-blooded monster, it turns into a madman with dreams, principles and feelings. Even in spite of all the frenzy that rages in him, the spectator is imbued with his losses, emotional torments and begins to genuinely empathize, while at the same time fearing him. Before us is not a typical cliched villain, but a solid and well-written character, with a worldview, not devoid of common sense. Undoubtedly, the wonderful game of Josh Brolin makes the antagonist even more expressive.
The tape is filled with a huge number of diverse characters, ranging from the long-known to us classic superheroes, ending with the newly-made young heroes, most recently appeared in the cramped Marvel. Constantly changing locations and additional storylines guide the viewer in parallel developing stories, which subsequently connect each other with certain characters, organically entering into new relationships and forming peculiar superhero teams.
The presence on one screen of a beautiful troika composed of Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and Peter Parker in itself leads to a state of wild delight. Brief jokes and witty dialogues of brothers on beards, Tony Stark's cautious care of Peter, charming adolescent enthusiasm and slightly absurd behavior of the youngest member of the Avengers team among the first-class seasoned defenders of the Earth - in a word, watching the Stark team line was really interesting, and the interactive between the characters are truly adorable.
Team Tor, to my personal surprise, is not inferior to Stark's team in terms of an excellent collaboration of superheroes and their established relationships. Just a couple of years ago it would be extremely difficult to imagine that Odin's son would plow the expanses of the Cosmos in company with a tree and a talking raccoon. It must be admitted that in the end one of the most memorable tim-ups in history turned out. And it is worth saying thanks to these guys for the most epic and vivid appearance in the film under the chic and already familiar to us song The Avengers.
While Rocket and Groot were helping the Torah on Nidavelir, the remaining members of the Galactic Guards' team were busy trying to get a reality stone and stop Thanos. This is quite familiar to us the composition of first-class daredevils serves to actively develop a branch that reveals the character and past of the main antagonist of the picture. A very important role in this played Gamora, it is on the character Zoe Saldana built a strong dramatic component of the film.
The team of Cap and Wahadis were, unfortunately, the most unsuccessful superhero group of all. They did not get enough screen time and an important role that would move the story in a certain direction. The only moment in which they took direct part in the fight against Thanos, is the scene that took place shortly before the final of the picture.
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Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 4K Ultra HD
Blu-ray info
Codec: HEVC / H.265
Resolution: Native 4K (2160p)
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1
English: Dolby Atmos
English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
Spanish: Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
French (Canada): Dolby Digital 5.1
Japanese: Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
English SDH, French, Japanese, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin (Traditional), Thai
File size: 60.02 GB

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Watch trailer of the movie Avengers: Infinity War 2018 4K Ultra HD
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