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Kimi no na wa aka Your Name (2016) JAPANESE 1080p REMUX
Сountry: Japan
Genre: Cartoon
Language: Japanese
Cast: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamishiraishi, Ryo Narita, Aoi Yuki, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Kaito Ishikawa, Kanon Tani, Masaki Terasoma, Sayaka Ohara, Kazuhiko Inoue, Chafurin, Kana Hanazawa, Yuka Terasaki, Takashi Onozuka, Yôhei Namekawa.
Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother and has no qualms about letting it be known that she's uninterested in Shinto rituals or helping her father's electoral campaign. Instead she dreams of leaving the boring town and trying her luck in Tokyo. Taki is a high school boy in Tokyo who works part-time in an Italian restaurant and aspires to become an architect or an artist. Every night he has a strange dream where he becomes...a high school girl in a small mountain town.
User Review
In a world dominated by stupid sequels, prequels and remakes it is film/anime like this that restores hope in today's entertainment.
Not only it is emotional and feels real, it delivers a relevant message. I love the imagination and palette but also appreciate that it aims to remind us of social issues that we should be paying attention to.
The only reason I don't give our heroes and their story a 10/10 is that I still feel a couple of Miyazaki movies (like Kiki, Chihiro and the racoon dogs) were just that much better and showed a little more imagination.
Whatever the case I live in fear of the Hollywood announced remake by Hollywood hack JJ Abrams who has never shown any talent or vision. As with others I will ignore and boycott that coming insult and always cherish kimi no na wa.
Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother and has no qualms about letting it be known that she's uninterested in Shinto rituals or helping her father's electoral campaign. Instead she dreams of leaving the boring town and trying her luck in Tokyo. Taki is a high school boy in Tokyo who works part-time in an Italian restaurant and aspires to become an architect or an artist. Every night he has a strange dream where he becomes...a high school girl in a small mountain town.
User Review
In a world dominated by stupid sequels, prequels and remakes it is film/anime like this that restores hope in today's entertainment.
Not only it is emotional and feels real, it delivers a relevant message. I love the imagination and palette but also appreciate that it aims to remind us of social issues that we should be paying attention to.
The only reason I don't give our heroes and their story a 10/10 is that I still feel a couple of Miyazaki movies (like Kiki, Chihiro and the racoon dogs) were just that much better and showed a little more imagination.
Whatever the case I live in fear of the Hollywood announced remake by Hollywood hack JJ Abrams who has never shown any talent or vision. As with others I will ignore and boycott that coming insult and always cherish kimi no na wa.
File size: 31.93 GB

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Watch trailer of the movie Kimi no na wa aka Your Name (2016) JAPANESE 1080p REMUX
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