Featured Movies
The Wolfman 1080p BluRay (2010)
Year: 2010
Сountry: USA
Language: English | Romany | Romanian | Ukrainian
Cast: Simon Merrells, Gemma Whelan, Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Mario Marin-Borquez, Asa Butterfield, Cristina Contes, Anthony Hopkins, Art Malik, Malcolm Scates, Nicholas Day, Michael Cronin, David Sterne, David Schofield, Roger Frost...
Upon his return to his ancestral homeland, an American man is bitten, and subsequently cursed by, a werewolf.
Lawrence Talbot's childhood ended the night his mother died. His father sent him from the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor to an insane asylum, then he goes to America. When his brother's fiancée, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him down to help find her missing love, Talbot returns to his father's estate to learn that his brother's mauled body has been found. Reunited with his estranged father, Lawrence sets out to find his brother's killer... and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself. Someone or something with brute strength and insatiable blood lust has been killing the villagers, and a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline comes to investigate.
User Reviews
The beautiful compositions of Danny Elfman, the sets, or the atmosphere Joe Johnston has created, or of course the stunning performances of Emily Blunt and Hugo Weaving.How do i begin...
I'll keep it short.I've just came back from the movies and i must say-"The Wolfman" is the best remake I've ever seen.We live in a world, filled with bad to worse remakes, only a few of them above average.But this was really good, especially when you're waiting for it such a long time.
The leads were good.I was a little disappointed of sir Anthony Hopkins's acting, but in the end, there is a reason that may explain this a little.Benicio Del Toro was good as well, but i felt so close to Emily Blunt, and even to Hugo Weaving (who soon should have a knight title of his own).They were very convincing, i loved them.
Joe Johnston has done his job very well-the movie was emotional at moments, and gory and scary, when needed.The kills were very impressive and there were some "jump" scenes of good quality and were very well added too.The good jump scenes are something one could see very rare in such a good quality.But here there were even a few of them.The set decoration was great-London well-adjusted to 1891, the weapons, costumes and language of the people, the atmosphere, as well.
File size: 8.11 GB

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